Banner Widgets from our legacy themes can be easily accomplished using Cluster blocks and Reusable blocks. That way you can create a Banner widget that can be placed inside any page, post, or even widgets area. You can put all of the following into the Reusable block banner widget: Image…
View moreCitadela Listing plugin allows you to replace Google Maps with free alternative OpenStreetMap. Map provider can be changed selected in each block that displays a map. Simply select OpenStreetMap provider and GoogleMaps will be replaced with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap provider is available everywhere, in Listing Map blocks and on a small map displayed…
View moreGeneral settings We always test our themes on most standard hosting setups, however, make sure your hosting match the following requirements: WordPress 5.8 or later PHP 7.2 or later versions are recommended, please see more details below PHP Extensions:* GD/ImageMagick extension Reflection extension SPL extension PCRE extension ICONV extension PHP…
View moreIf you face any malfunction using our theme or an empty white page appears, the first thing you should do is turn on debug on your website. You can do that in the default WordPress file wp-config.php, in the root folder of your WordPress installation. Edit file and locate line:define('WP_DEBUG', false);Replace line with set of…
View moreGoogle Maps is rarely used nowadays due to the costs associated with increased traffic. We have retained Google Maps in CitadelaWP for compatibility purposes, but most websites now prefer OpenStreetMaps. Please note that Google Maps support may be removed in future updates. 22nd of July Google announced some significant changes in…
View moreIn the Plugins or Themes page of the WordPress dashboard, you may notice an error message which doesn’t allow you to install plugins or themes directly from Example of error message when plugins cannot be loaded on Plugins page: cURL error 7: couldn't connect to host in the plugins area…
View moreContact Form included in theme using standard WordPress mail functionality where emails received from the form using as sender email address wordpress@… To modify this default sender information, you can use very simple but effective plugin which will change sender’s name and also set email address of sender: WP Change Default…
View moreIf you are facing problems with geolocation on your website running our WordPress Directory theme using Google Chrome browser, it’s because of Google's decision to allow geolocation functionality only for websites that use SSL certificates. Change is applied in Google Chrome browsers from version 50. More information you can find in the…
View morePretty common requests are related to hiding specific parts on the website which don’t have their own on/off button on the admin side. As it’s not possible to have theme admin buttons for each detail on the frontend, you can simply hide unwanted parts using CSS if you are not…
View moreIf your Google Map still doesn’t work even you’ve inserted the Google Maps API key in Theme Options, open the browser console on the page where Google Map should be displayed to see an error message. All error messages are listed on official Google documentation page: The most common issues…
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