Voetnoten Blok

Het WordPress Voetnotenblok is een functie in de WordPress editor, ook bekend als de Blokeditor of Gutenberg, die is ontworpen om je te helpen eenvoudig voetnoten toe te voegen aan je berichten of pagina's. Voetnoten zijn handig om extra informatie, verwijzingen of citaten te geven zonder de hoofdinhoud van je pagina te vervuilen. Hier's...

Here’s how you can use the Footnotes Block in WordPress:

  1. De editor openen: When editing a post or page, you are typically in the Block Editor.
  2. Add the Footnotes Block:
    • Click on the “+” button to add a new block.
    • Search for “Footnotes” in the block search bar.
    • Click on the Footnotes Block to add it to your content.
  3. Add Your Footnote Content:
    • Once the block is added, you can type in your footnote text directly into the block.
    • Format the text as needed using the block’s toolbar (e.g., bold, italics).
  4. Referencing Footnotes in Text:
    • Typically, you would reference a footnote in your main content by adding a superscript number or symbol.
    • This reference isn’t automatically linked to the Footnotes Block, so you need to manually keep track of which footnote corresponds to which reference in your text.
  5. Placement of the Footnotes Block:
    • You can place the Footnotes Block anywhere in your post or page, but it’s conventional to put it at the end of your content.
  6. Voorbeeld bekijken en publiceren:
    • After adding your footnotes, preview your post or page to see how they appear.
    • When satisfied, publish or update your post/page.

The Footnotes Block is a simple way to add extra information without disrupting the flow of your main content.