Innstillinger for infobaren

Infobar kan brukes til å vise en hvilken som helst melding på nettstedet ditt. Brukes vanligvis til å vise informasjon om informasjonskapsler. Infobaren vises for alle nye besøkende på nettstedet ditt. Når de klikker på knappen for å skjule infobaren, blir den skjult for dem i et antall dager som er definert i innstillingen Cookie Expiration....

Available are settings:

  • position of Infobar, it can be displayed on the top or bottom of screen,
  • notification message can contain html to link visitors to page with more information related to shown message,
  • once you fill in Button Text, in Infobar is displayed button which is used to hide the bar, otherwise is displayed simple X on the bar to close it.

Cookie Expiration

The cookie expiration option defines the number of days when the cookie is stored in visitors’ browsers, and Infobar is hidden for them.
There may be three different situations how the bar behaves according to the value saved in Cookie Expiration input:

  • Cookie Expiration equals to 0 (zero)
    Infobar is always opened for all visitors after each page load, even they closed it before.
  • Cookie Expiration input is empty
    Once the visitor close Infobar, it’s closed for this visitor until browser session ends (it means until he close the browser).
  • Cookie Expiration equals or larger than 1
    When visitor hide the Infobar, it’s hidden for visitor for defined number of days. Cookie is stored in his browser for defined number of days.