Hvilke funksjoner kommer i Gutenbergs blokkeredigeringsverktøy?

Hvilke funksjoner kommer i Gutenbergs blokkeredigeringsverktøy?

På WordCamp Europe i forrige uke ble det kunngjort spennende nyheter om Gutenberg-editoren. Se Gutenberg-høydepunktene i videoen som viser hva som kommer til å bli lansert i nær fremtid:

Hva synes dere? Hvilken funksjon ser du mest frem til? Gi oss beskjed i kommentarfeltet nedenfor.

4 tenkte på «What features are coming to the Gutenberg block editor?»

  1. Hello Martin,

    sorry, for a directory site, Gutenberg is totally useless. It needs a nice and well structured layout.
    No that anyone can do what he wants.

    It will be nice you add more blocks to the directory plugin. Custom fields, categories etc etc.
    And more style possibilities.

    You got a real cool directory Plugin but, the Problem is, like in the past, your fixed design for everything.

    How used shadow today?

    That is the problem. Great geo stuff but real worse design possibilities.

    It’s a putty, citadela directory is limited before it is really finished.


    1. Hei, Denis,

      many thanks for your observations and great ideas, we are aware of this and we will gradually improve over time and on the basis of priorities, of course.

      Ha en fin dag!

  2. I’m using Divi on one website that I made last year. On my new website I tried Citadela theme with gutenburg and I’m very impressed. it’s easy to use and because of that I made this new website more quickly. It’s also very fast to load. I think that in the coming months wordpress will overtake all other themes and page builder plugins

    1. Hi Bruno, thanks for the comment. I think the same. Gutenberg is very straight forward to use and it’s practically impossible to “break” the web page. Going forward it will definitely be the standard when it comes to WordPress websites.

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