Vairāku paku & Atļauju pārvaldnieka funkcija

Multiple packages & Permissions manager feature

Citadela Directory spraudnis pagājušajā nedēļā tika būtiski atjaunināts. Kopā ar desmitiem nelielu izmaiņu mēs vienā atjauninājumā esam izlaiduši 2 jaunas funkcijas: vairāku paku un atļauju pārvaldnieks. Jā, tieši tā's, tagad varat izveidot bezmaksas paketi, kas ir ierobežota, un pēc tam neierobežotu skaitu premium pakešu.....

When we first started planning the new Citadela theme and its plugins, we decided to build on the best e-commerce solution – WooCommerce. WooCommerce has not only the most extensive collection of payment gateways; it is extendable, fully supported by Automatic and works flawlessly with the WordPress ecosystem.

What have we done now? Citadela Directory plugin works as a layer on top of WooCommerce and extends its functionality. You use WooCommerce to add subscription packages and administer directory permissions directly inside the WooCommerce package.

It’s the most straightforward way you can imagine. After you set up your packages in WooCommerce, they are automatically interconnected to the Citadela Directory plugin. It’s a fast, secure, extendable and future proof solution. Please have a look below to see how simple it is to set it up.

Are you a newcomer in the subscription setup? Then you welcome detailed documentation on how to set up monetization on your website. See Multiple Listing Subscription.

All Citadela code in our theme and plugins is strictly following all WordPress approved codex. That way, if you’re a skilled developer, you can extend it to your needs (or hire a company to do it for you). Do not forget that Citadela is a free theme released, reviewed and checked by WordPress people. Our free Citadela Directory Lite plugin is also on, and it fulfils the highest WordPress standards.

This is still just a beginning, guys. New features are coming very soon 🙂

14 domāja par “Multiple packages & Permissions manager feature

  1. Hi there, thank you for this major update!

    I would like to know if “Item Gallery” will be available (now there is only featured image in the item detail page).
    And what about Event and Special Offers?
    Thanks a lot

    1. Sveiki,

      Thanks for asking.
      Both Event and Special offers features we plan to start working on from the end of the next week:
      Regarding Item Gallery – it’s really great idea. We really like your example of how this particular feature would come in useful to you. Our engineers have put this on the roadmap, and we expect to roll it out in the near future. When it’s available, we’ll be sure to let you know if you subscribe for the newsletters. Thank you again for writing in and taking the time to provide your feedback.

      Ar laba vēlējumiem!
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  2. Hi, I have a Lifetime Membership, and most of the things I can’t access or download ….???

    1. Sveiki,

      Thanks for writing in. Could you please provide us of the lists or some some screenshots displayed error or with no active button for download? Feel free to post detailed info at:

      Ar laba vēlējumiem!
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  3. Sveiki,

    where does the registration take plase and how?


    1. Sveiki, Denis,

      The process of selling on the front end from the point of view of item owner – purchase directory subscriptions is as follows:
      1. user chooses the package
      2. he’ll read the details of the package
      3. goes to the cart
      4. and consequently the accounts is going to be created (foreign registration process)
      5. payment procedure (it must be set in woocommerce settings before)
      6. then the customer should already be logged in with the ability to add or manage the item custom post types etc..
      steps described above will be added to the documenatation too)

      Sirsnīgi sveicieni!
      AIT komanda

  4. Hey!

    Thanks so much, for making Citadela better and better!
    But why should I allow the user to do a guest buying?

    Doesnt he need an account if he wants to submit a listing?


    1. Thanks for additional question.The reason for those e-shop owners who’d like to allow purchase without registration (e.g. some goods) and yet selling packages without registration is not possible.

      AIT komanda

  5. Sveiki,

    I cant find SIMPLE SUBSCRIPTION in my products.

    Any suggestion where to fint it?


    1. Sveiki, Denis,

      Paldies, ka rakstījāt.
      The step by step documentation how to manage Subscription packages you’ll find at:


  6. I really like your new directory. Looks sharp. I am needing to create a website that has a directory that can be seen only by logged on members though. I don’t see that you all have a membership plug in yet for this type of thing, but do you think I could use a 3rd party plug in and resitrict the directory pages to only those logged on? i.e. Ultimate Member? (We are selling memberships too, as well as listings, so it makes it a little complex.

    1. Sveiki,

      Thanks for writing in. Please have a look the answers posted via private message.

      Ar laba vēlējumiem!
      AIT komanda

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