From now on you can choose the “main” category of the item if it belongs to multiple categories. Featured category icon will be used on the map, search results and item lists. You can also choose to display the featured category only and hide the rest of the item categories….
Vidi višeCluster block is probably the most used block on our CitadelaWP Layouts. What is it exactly? Cluster block allows you to group multiple blocks into one neatly styled section on your website. You can then choose alignment, background image and colour of the whole group of blocks – whole Cluster….
Vidi višeSpomenuli smo to već nekoliko puta. Obitelj proizvoda Citadela najbolja je tema i dodaci koji se temelje na blokovima za Gutenberg. Sada je to'službeno i potvrđeno od strane programera WordPressa. Uređivanje cjelovitog web-mjesta uskoro dolazi u WordPress.
Vidi višeCitadelaWP is the most WordPress friendly theme. Every single line of code, every feature we created is strictly following WordPress codex and guidelines. Let’s see how design customization works in the CitadelaWP Pro plugin. One of the main goals of the CitadelaWP products family is to be the most compatible…
Vidi višeIf you are reading this post, it means you are selling products or services. Here you will learn how to create a price quote using the Gutenberg editor in WordPress. Citadela Blocks plugin includes many valuable custom made blocks that will make your life easier. One of them is the…
Vidi višeProšla je već godina otkako smo se transformirali iz “normalne” uredske tvrtke u udaljeni tim programera, dizajnera i podržavatelja. Kako smo uspjeli nastaviti raditi na našim temama bez ijednog problema? Odgovor je: dobar softver za upravljanje projektima i disciplina. Softver za upravljanje projektima…
Vidi višeFresh new-looking Marketing Agency layout for Citadela is available for download to all customers. Please have a look below to see how it looks. You can also preview the Marketing Agency layout live. Homepage Projects page Project category Project detail Contact page Blog post Marketing Agency Layout can be easily…
Vidi višeAbout a year ago Google started charging for their Google Maps. And quite a lot. We pay for all the maps on our demo websites and to be honest I’d be happy to stop these payments. Luckily there’s a great alternative that you can use – OpenStreetMaps. Citadela includes support…
Vidi višeWell, we’ve officially finished everything from the 2nd phase. CitadelaWP is ready with all core new features. You can now use Geolocation in all search form blocks to allow your visitors to search items around their current position. Easy to use for your visitors. They just click on the icon,…
Vidi višeNew fantastic feature has just been released. Our developers and designers did an amazing job making it as straightforward to use as possible. Advanced filters work closely together with the Item extension feature we released just before Christmas. Advanced filters simply use custom Item information from Item Extension inputs. You…
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