WordPress 5.9 izlaišanas datums un funkcijas

WordPress 5.9 izlaišanas datums un funkcijas

We bring you the latest news on WordPress 5.9 and features overview. The most important information is the new release day. It has been postponed from the initial 14 December 2021 to almost the end of January.

We keep an eye on all news, and we will update posts about the exciting story.

WordPress 5.9 release date

There will be numerous extensive features, so we counted with later releases. The release squad announced the new WordPress 5.9 release date. The decision was not made lightly for them.

WordPress 5.9 release date: 25 January 2022

New features

Let’s dive in and explore all the fantastic features.

We process information in an easy-to-read form also for non-technical users. Mainly we choose those that are important for website creators and copywriters.

Our development team is already implementing all features, and our Citadela will be 100% compatible with WordPress 5.9.

They delayed the date because we all prefer to wait for some weeks more (and eat Christmas treats) rather than cut features from extensive site editing and move them to April 2022.

Yeah, FSE feature is coming

Full Site Editing (FSE) is a group of features that allow the whole site editing through blocks.

I have to repeat it:

Citadela allows you to edit your whole site through blocks.

Well, we have to wait for a couple of weeks, but it is nothing to what all of us will be able to create thanks to WordPress 5.9 once it is released.

What you can expect in WordPress 5.9

  • global style interface
  • navigation block
  • block themes
  • template editors
  • site editing flows

Make a nice cup of hot tea (? grab some Christmas treats, I like that feeling for longer than just a couple of days) and watch the WordPress 5.9 sneak peek video.

Don’t forget to post your thoughts, questions, and comments below.?

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