CitadelaWP Listing plugin is the complex directory solution for WordPress. Besides standard input information you can work with GPX also.
GPX track files can include one or multiple segments. You can use this if the path contains crossroads or continues in some different place. Each part of the path is called a segment.

CitadelaWP Listing plugin allows you to specify how you would like to display beginning and end markers. You have the following options:

Trases sākums un beigas: beginning and end markers will be displayed on the very first and very last point of the path.

Katrs trases segments: Markers will be displayed at the beginning and end of every segment.

Nerādīt galīgos punktus: ceļam netiks pievienoti marķieri

Mēs esam pārbaudījuši daudzus dažādus GPX failus, un katram no tiem ir nepieciešami atšķirīgi iestatījumi. Varat spēlēties ar to savā vietnē. Ja jums trūkst kādas opcijas, kas, jūsuprāt, mums būtu jāpievieno. Lūdzu, informējiet mūs par to komentāros zemāk. Mēs būsim priecīgi padarīt šo funkciju vēl labāku.
Nice feature, I will give a try.
BTW, I looking for a solution to have GPX track attached to post or page (information about a tour path), and attach directory items into it, which can be found on that given route. With this option I could promote business on that given route.
If it make sense it would be great option…
Thanks for your interesting idea. Please contact us back with your observations.
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AIT komanda
Will the GPX feature be added into Directory Pro?
Thanks for writing in. We are sorry, currently there is no plan to adapt this feature for Directory PRO as we are working on adding new features for Citadela product pack:
Paldies par sapratni.
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