Panta bloks
The WordPress Paragraph Block is a basic yet essential element in the WordPress Block Editor, also known as Gutenberg. It allows you to add and format textual content in your posts and pages. Here’s a simple guide on how it works: Adding a Paragraph Block: When you’re editing a post…
Saraksta bloks
The WordPress List Block is a feature in the WordPress editor, often referred to as the Gutenberg editor, that allows you to create and format lists within your posts or pages. It’s a handy tool for organizing information in a clear, easy-to-read manner. Here’s a simple guide on how it…
Virsrakstu bloks
The WordPress Heading Block is a feature in the WordPress editor, also known as Gutenberg, which allows you to insert and style heading text in your posts and pages. Headings are important for structuring your content, making it easier to read and helping with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here’s how…
Piezīmju bloks
The WordPress Footnotes Block is a feature within the WordPress editor, also known as the Block Editor or Gutenberg, designed to help you easily add footnotes to your posts or pages. Footnotes are useful for providing additional information, references, or citations without cluttering the main content of your page. Here’s…
Sīkāka informācija Bloķēt
The “Details Block” in WordPress refers to a block element that you can add to your posts or pages when using the Block Editor (also known as Gutenberg). It’s a part of WordPress’s rich set of tools for creating and editing content. The Details Block is particularly useful for creating…
Koda bloks
The WordPress Code Block is a feature in the WordPress editor that allows you to display code snippets in your posts or pages. It’s designed for times when you want to share code with your readers, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or PHP, without executing it on the page. This…
Klasiskais bloks
WordPress klasiskais bloks ir WordPress bloku redaktora, kas pazīstams arī kā Gutenberg, funkcija. Kad WordPress 5.0 versijā tika ieviests Gutenberg, tas būtiski mainīja veidu, kā WordPress tiek veidots un rediģēts saturs. Klasiskais bloks tika iekļauts, lai atvieglotu šo pāreju, īpaši lietotājiem, kuri...
Video bloks
The WordPress Video Block is a feature within the WordPress editor that allows you to easily add videos to your posts and pages. It’s designed to be user-friendly, especially for those who might not be familiar with coding or web development. Here’s a basic overview of how it works: Adding…
Mediju un teksta bloks
WordPress multivides un teksta bloks ir WordPress bloku redaktora, kas pazīstams arī kā Gutenberg, funkcija. Tā ļauj jums blakus teksta blokam izvietot attēlu vai videoklipu. Šis bloks ir ērts, lai veidotu izkārtojumus, kuros vēlaties apvienot multivides un teksta...
Attēlu bloks
The WordPress Image Block is a feature in the WordPress editor, known as the Gutenberg editor, that allows you to easily add images to your posts and pages. It’s a part of the block-based editing system introduced in WordPress 5.0, which replaced the classic TinyMCE editor. Here’s a simple guide…