Citadela nereikia redaguoti HTML kodo

Citadela nereikia redaguoti HTML kodo

There are several reasons you need to include custom code into your website. We made this process stress-free and straightforward. Learn how you can do it in Citadela.

Sometimes you need to include some javascript code into your website header or footer. Messing with code can be stressful and dangerous, especially if you’re not a programmer or technical person. 

I can tell you the secret, guys. When I have to include some code into my website, I don’t fancy messing up with some PHP files. These files are for development purposes, and any small change can be catastrophic.

That’s why we implemented a simple and intelligent solution for including Javascript files into the Citadela header or footer. It’s secure, easy to use and an elegant way to work with your website. It’s available in the Citadela Pro plugin and looks as shown on the following image:

As you can see on the screenshot, we have also implemented the most up to date code from Google Analytics, and you can use it if you want. If you leave the Google Analytics tracking field blank, Citadela will include no Google Analytics code on your website. That way, you can use other tracking systems or your custom code if you need to.

This solution is easy to use for beginners but universal for advanced usage.

What are the other options you would like us to include in Citadela Pro? We’ve received excellent feedback from you guys in the past. We are looking forward to new ones! Please let us in the comments below.