Svaka stranica i objava prema zadanim postavkama ima naslov stranice u WordPressu. Ali možete imati prilagođeni naslov stranice zahvaljujući dodatku Citadela Pro. Naslov stranice ima oznaku H1, tako da pomaže u rangiranju vaše web stranice u tražilicama. Također, služi posjetiteljima web stranica da shvate smisao ovog...
Vidi višeImportant notice: Today we’re abandoning the CitadelaWP Blocks plugin. From now on CitadelaWP Pro plugin will include all blocks and features from Blocks plugin. The only thing you need to do is to update CitadelaWP Pro to the newest version. It will automatically deactivate CitadelaWP Blocks. You can delete the…
Vidi višeNova godina dolazi, pa poboljšajmo vašu web stranicu. Jipi. Rad na web stranici trebao bi biti redoviti zadatak svakog marketinškog tima, pa koji su vaši ciljevi za iduću godinu? A kako ćete ih postići? 2022. bit će idealna za izradu nove web stranice ili redizajn…
Vidi višeBlok radnog vremena za Gutenbergov uređivač vrijedan je za sve poslovne web stranice koje trebaju prikazati vrijeme rada. Lako je upravljiv. Unaprijed nisu definirani ulazni podaci. To znači da radno vrijeme možete prilagoditi svojim potrebama. Prikažite ih kako vam je potrebno. Na jedan dan možete…
Vidi višeRecent stats show that more than 50% of traffic comes from mobile devices. Let’s write it again: people use mobile devices more than their laptop or desktop to view your website. It’s, therefore, crucial to have your website fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. The website has to load…
Vidi višeAll blocks can be used for multiple purposes. Block name is just its name, so you can easily find it in the WordPress editor. But that does not mean it has to be always used solely for that purpose. Which is the most used block on our Citadela layouts? We…
Vidi višeIf you are reading this post, it means you are selling products or services. Here you will learn how to create a price quote using the Gutenberg editor in WordPress. Citadela Blocks plugin includes many valuable custom made blocks that will make your life easier. One of them is the…
Vidi više