Recent stats show that more than 50% of traffic comes from mobile devices. Let’s write it again: people use mobile devices more than their laptop or desktop to view your website. It’s, therefore, crucial to have your website fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. The website has to load…
Vidi višeThere are several reasons you need to include custom code into your website. We made this process stress-free and straightforward. Learn how you can do it in Citadela. Sometimes you need to include some javascript code into your website header or footer. Messing with code can be stressful and dangerous,…
Vidi višeThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the strictest privacy and security law in the world. Is CitadelaWP GDPR compliant? We AitThemes are a company based in European Union. As our primary traffic and customers come from the EU, we need to comply with European regulations. Before GDPR took effect…
Vidi višeOrganic looking Cosmetics Shop layout for Citadela is available for download to all our customers. As usual, very modern and unique layout design. Please have a look below to see how it looks. You can also preview the Cosmetics Shop layout live. HomepageShopDirectory ItemProduct detailContact pageSearch fesultsBlogBlog detail Cosmetics Shop…
Vidi višeSince the beginning of the World Wide Web, search has become one of the most important things. We use search every day, all the time. For that reason, we have spent a tremendous amount of time designing and fine-tuning our Search Form block that comes with CitadelaWP Directory. But let’s…
Vidi višeDoes Citadela support WooCommerce? What are the limitations? We have put together a summary blog post from all the questions we have received regarding Citadela WooCommerce support. Feel free to comment below if you have any others. Does Citadela support WooCommerce? Yes, Citadela 100% supports the WooCommerce plugin you can…
Vidi višeMake a stunning website for your startup idea or software company quickly and effortlessly. The SaaS layout for Citadela has been specially designed to accommodate everything you need. Just have a look at some screenshots below or view the live version of the SaaS layout. HomepagePricing pageSupport & Contact pageImplementation…
Vidi višeFrom now on you can choose the “main” category of the item if it belongs to multiple categories. Featured category icon will be used on the map, search results and item lists. You can also choose to display the featured category only and hide the rest of the item categories….
Vidi višeCluster block is probably the most used block on our CitadelaWP Layouts. What is it exactly? Cluster block allows you to group multiple blocks into one neatly styled section on your website. You can then choose alignment, background image and colour of the whole group of blocks – whole Cluster….
Vidi višeSpomenuli smo to već nekoliko puta. Obitelj proizvoda Citadela najbolja je tema i dodaci koji se temelje na blokovima za Gutenberg. Sada je to'službeno i potvrđeno od strane programera WordPressa. Uređivanje cjelovitog web-mjesta uskoro dolazi u WordPress.
Vidi više