Satura rādītājs
Lapas un amata redzamība WordPress
In WordPress, both pages and posts have visibility options that control who can see them on your website. These options are essential for managing the accessibility of your content. There are three main visibility settings: Public, Private, and Password Protected. Here’s an explanation of each and how you can set…
Kā publicēt lapas WordPress
Publishing pages in WordPress is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through it: Log in to Your WordPress Dashboard First, access your WordPress website by logging in. You usually can do this by adding /wp-admin to the end of your website’s URL (for example, Enter…
Ievads WordPress eksportēšanas un importēšanas rīki
WordPress offers built-in Export and Import tools, enabling you to transfer content between WordPress sites or to back up your website’s elements like posts, pages, comments, and more. Using the WordPress Export Tool The Export tool in WordPress creates a copy of your site’s content. This is useful for moving…
Meklēšanas bloks
Introduction to WordPress Search Block WordPress Search Block is a tool within the WordPress block editor, also known as Gutenberg. It enables you to add a search bar to your posts or pages. This search bar allows visitors to search for content on your website. It’s a simple yet powerful…
Sociālo ikonu bloks
Introduction to Social Icons Block The Social Icons Block in WordPress allows users to add social media links to their website. This feature is particularly useful for connecting your site’s visitors to your various social media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It’s a simple yet effective tool…
Īsā koda bloks
WordPress Shortcode Block Introduction to Shortcode Block In WordPress, a Shortcode Block is a feature that allows users to add specialized content with minimal effort, using short snippets of code known as ‘shortcodes’. It’s designed to streamline the process of embedding files or creating objects that would normally require lots…
Pielāgotais HTML bloks
Introduction to WordPress Custom HTML Block The WordPress Custom HTML Block is a feature within the WordPress block editor, commonly known as Gutenberg. This block allows users to add custom HTML code to their posts or pages. It’s particularly useful for those who need to insert code that isn’t supported…
TikTok ievietot bloku
WordPress TikTok Embed Block Ievads WordPress TikTok Embed Block ir WordPress funkcija, kas ļauj lietotājiem ievietot TikTok videoklipus savos WordPress ziņojumos vai lapās. Šis bloks ļauj viegli kopīgot TikTok saturu tieši jūsu vietnē, uzlabojot apmeklētāju multimediju pieredzi. Piekļuve...
Kickstarter Embed Block
WordPress Kickstarter Embed Block Ievads Kickstarter Embed Block WordPress Kickstarter Embed Block ļauj lietotājiem viegli ievietot saturu no Kickstarter, populāras pūļa finansējuma platformas, savos WordPress ziņojumos vai lapās. Šī funkcija ir īpaši noderīga vietņu īpašniekiem, kuri vēlas parādīt Kickstarter projektu tieši...
Issuu Embed Block
Ievads WordPress Issuu Embed Block WordPress Issuu Embed Block ir WordPress redaktora rīks, kas ļauj lietotājiem savā WordPress vietnē viegli ievietot saturu no Issuu, digitālās publicēšanas platformas. Šis bloks ir īpaši noderīgs digitālo publikāciju, piemēram, žurnālu, katalogu un portfolio, attēlošanai tieši...