Just about a month ago, I wrote a post, “What layout should we do next?”. We got some fantastic ideas from our WordPress community, and we have released the following layouts based on the customer requests:
We want to get your feedback again. What Citadela layout do you need for your upcoming projects? We’ll do our best to help.
Please let us know in the comments below. Any, even crazy idea can be considered as the future layout, guys.
plumber, blacksmith, electrician, hairdresser
many hanks for writing in. Looks very interesting.
AIT komanda
I would prefer something pretty basic tbh, while I do like the layouts you guys came up with . Just a great canvas to continue on ourselves.
Modern, clean, minimalistic, bold fonts and easy to read with lots of white and grey accents.
Thank you for a more detailed description of the required criteria for the new layout, we will look at it.
Sirsnīgi sveicieni!
AIT komanda
It would be nice if some of the ones that you are building now had the capability to duplicate current pages instead of just add additional pages. Currently they have to be built from scratch if we add a new page.
As far as new ideas….
1. Replacement for events guide
2. Recreation center or recreational item like tubing
3. Gaming/Gamer/Streamer
4. Courses/Learning
5. Real Estate/Rentals
6. Auto Repair/Sales
Plenty more ideas where those came from but please get the current Directory Pro replacement up to par with the old one first.