Satura rādītājs
The search form allows visitors to search listing Item Posts by defined keyword, Item Category, or Item Location. Search results after form submit are displayed on the Listing Search Results special page.
Bloķēšanas iestatījumi rīkjoslā
Right in block toolbar can be defined alignment of the form to left, center, right side or justify to the available width.
Bloka iestatījumi sānjoslā
Geolocation settings
Block offers functionality to search posts by geolocation. From block settings can be customized:
- Units – distance defined in Kilometers or Miles
- Step – step of control where visitors define distance in which will be processed search, value 1km/mi for larger distances or 0.1km/mi for smaller distances
- Maximum distance – maximal available distance in which can be search processed
- Text settings for labels used in geolocation popup.

Border settings
Can be customized:
- izvēlēties robežu platumu, ir pieejamas plānas, biezas vai bez robežām opcijas.
- color of borders
- border radius
Shadow settings
Customize shadow under the form. Set no shadow, default shadow, or shadow with defined custom color and other shadow parameters.
Design options for alignment, borders and shadow are available only with active Citadela Pro plugin.