Organic looking Cosmetics Shop layout for Citadela is available for download to all our customers. As usual, very modern and unique layout design. Please have a look below to see how it looks. You can also preview the Cosmetics Shop layout dzīvot.
Cosmetics Shop Layout can be easily imported into the Citadela theme using the Citadela Pro plugin. One-click install feature allows you to start your website with preloaded pages and images in seconds. For further information, please check our online documentation on kā importēt Citadela izkārtojumus.
Mēs jau strādājam pie jauniem Citadela izkārtojumiem. Savas idejas par jauniem izkārtojumiem varat publicēt komentāros zemāk.
Sveiki tur,
how can I deactivate the GOOGLE FONTS (GDPR Opt-IN)?
I cant choose any standard Webfonts in the Customizer.
Sveiki, Denis,
Thanks for writing in. The fonts can be changed in admin panel -> appearance -> customize -> appearance -> typography only. Which standard font would you like to set up, please?
Ar laba vēlējumiem!
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