Saraksta kategorijas Saraksta bloks

Block displays listing Item Categories based on filters available in block settings. Only not empty categories or sub-categories are displayed on the website.

Bloka iekšpusē var uzrakstīt bloka nosaukumu frontendam, varat nosaukt parādīto sadaļu ar pielāgotu tekstu.

Bloķēšanas iestatījumi rīkjoslā

Right in block toolbar can be defined Layout and Size of displayed Categories. You can select from List and Box layout, and choose Small, Medium, or Large size for displayed Categories.

Bloka iestatījumi sānjoslā

From the sidebar settings of the block, you can select which categories will be displayed. You can show all parent Categories, or select a specific category if you want to show its child subcategories.
Using the filter in the sidebar you can select to show in this list only categories marked as Featured.

Category Details options allow you to define which information will be displayed with Categories, you can show or hide category icons and description text.

With Carousel options can be data displayed in a slides loop, available are options:

  • show or hide navigation arrows
  • show or hide pagination bullets
  • set infinite loop
  • autoplay with time between slides in seconds

Saraksta kategorijas Saraksta bloks ar karuseli

Block for listing categories displays with carousel