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Kā parādīt kataloga vienumus jebkurā lapā vai amatā

Citadela Directory plugin includes many new blocks that extend the default WordPress Editor. These blocks take directory data from your database and display them on the website.

We built Citadela on top of WordPress Editor to work with all the great features new WordPress offers us. In 2021 when block-based themes are becoming a reality, everything you’ll see on the website will be made of blocks.

Citadela theme and plugins are ready for block-based revolution today.

All data you and your customers enter into your database can be managed and displayed anywhere on your website using special blocks. Today I’ll talk a bit about the Directory Items List block.

You can use the Directory Items List to display directory items on any post or any page. There are two layout options you can use:

  • Box layout
  • List layout

There’s, of course, an option to filter from which category and location you would like to get these items. You can also configure:

  • Display order
  • Maximum number of items
  • What information from item to display

Excellent features is a mobile-friendly carousel. Your website visitors can scroll items in the carousel on mobile phones with the finger. That way, you can insert interesting items anywhere, let’s say, in the middle of your blog post.

Here are some screenshots showcasing how it can look like:

If you have any great idea we should implement, feel free to post a comment below.

2 domāja par “How to display directory items on any page or post

  1. Sveiki,

    Would be nice an option to select just one item, right now we can select category and location but sometimes we want to select just one item and we dont have that option


    1. Sveiki,

      Thanks for your interesting comment.

      You could use Similar Items block for that purpose. In the block, choose the reference item and in the side bar settings choose to display only 1 item and at the same time turn on Show reference Item Post setting. In this will the only one item will be displayed.


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