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Jautājumi par tiešsaistes veikaliem ar Citadela (bieži uzdotie jautājumi)

Does Citadela support WooCommerce? What are the limitations? We have put together a summary blog post from all the questions we have received regarding Citadela WooCommerce support. Feel free to comment below if you have any others.

Does Citadela support WooCommerce?

Yes, Citadela 100% supports the WooCommerce plugin you can download for free from wp.org. We have styled and prepared for you everything you need to create an online store. You can check out an example of WooCommerce usage on the following URL.

Which payment gateways are supported?

WooCommerce comes with a great variety of payment gateways available. Most gateways are for free. Some of them are paid. You can find out if your preferred payment gateway is supported on the official website.

Can I run an online store and sell subscriptions on the same website?

Yes, you can. Citadela Directory uses heavily modified WooCommerce subscription products that are connected to directory items, permissions manager and other capabilities. But this does not limit you to using WooCommerce to sell other products. You can learn more about Citadela subscriptions in our online documentation. To see how it works together, please visit the following URL.

If I want to use some Citadela Layout, do I need to install the WooCommerce plugin first?

It’s up to you. Citadela theme is brilliant. If it detects that the layout you wish to import needs WooCommerce, it’ll install it automatically. Plugin autoinstall applies not only to the WooCommerce plugin but also to other required plugins. You can learn more about it here.

Is WooCommerce Gutenberg ready?

Yes and no. The current version of WooCommerce does not use the Gutenberg WordPress editor to administer products. You can however, use WooCommerce blocks while building the page or post.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, feel free to post any WooCommerce related questions in the comments below. We’ll answer them as soon as we can.