Izvēlētā kategorija Kataloga vienums

Izvēlētā kategorija Kataloga vienums

From now on you can choose the “main” category of the item if it belongs to multiple categories.

Featured category icon will be used on the map, search results and item lists.

You can also choose to display the featured category only and hide the rest of the item categories.

A handy feature. Thank you for the tip, guys. If you wish to learn more, you can read about it in our tiešsaistes dokumentācija.

If you have other great ideas, please post them in the comments below. We have already added to our roadmap several of your most recent requests. For example, we will add Gutenberg on the item edit page to Citadela Directory this (or next) week.

11 domāja par “Featured category of Directory Item

  1. Hei, Martin,
    this is very cool, thanks.
    but how do I show the categories, the ITEM is in on the ITEMs special page?
    Same for location the ITEM is in.

    1. Hey Denis,

      Thanks for the comment. We plan to add block to show categories and/or locations that will work on Items special page. This new block will be available in April.


      1. Hi martin – is it possible to display the category on the Item Detail Page? I don’t see that option in the Citadela Blocks, and the default Category display (for posts) doesn’t work for items.

  2. A good move, Martin — and I am glad that you pick up ideas that users have in the Facebook Group.

    But what about DirectoryPRO? My initial idea was to see this important feature implemented in your “old” flagship. And I still see a need for it as a migration from a fully blown DirectoryPRO project to Citadela Directory is not possible as of today.

    Cheers, Frank

    1. Hey Frank,

      Thanks for bringing up this fantastic idea. We’ve done it a bit differently than it’s done in the Yoast SEO plugin and integrated it right into the Edit item page. We do not plan to implement this feature to DirectoryPro. The good news is that we will be working on a universal import/export feature for Citadela Directory that will help you with the migration process.


  3. Hi Martin two things please. Can you add the option like on the first City Guide where you can create your own pindrop pics. The icons now available is not nice and you must use alternative icons for categories. Secondly please add the option back as in City Guide where a client can load more then one pic. Lots of our clients load up some of there products. Clients that dont have websites.

    If You can do it to all directory themes in Citadela.

    1. Hello Hannes,

      Thanks a lot for the kind words and feedback.
      We work hard to meet expectations like yours, we’ll definitely have a look at your interesting ideas once we finish the 3rd phase Citadela. Some of them has been already added to the list.

      Come back and see us soon. Cheers!

      AIT komanda

      An additional answer:
      In the meantime, based on the many request on such a feature our development team has started an investigation of this matter, it’s highly possible we could solve this issue within coming weeks.

      Labu dienu!
      AIT komanda

      1. Hi Zlatko,

        just to make sure: Your “additional answer” is for the Map Pins? Hannes mentioned two topics (Pins and Pictures) in his request.

        Cheers, Frank

        1. Hello Frank,

          Thanks for additional question. Planned features are regarding both map and category pins.

          Ar laba vēlējumiem!
          AIT komanda

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