Kā uzstādīt CitadelaWP

The installation of the CitadelaWP WordPress theme is very simple. All you need to do is download the CitadelaWP theme zip file from your AitThemes account and upload it to your WordPress admin.

CitadelaWP will then take care of everything else. It automatically downloads and installs the CitadelaWP Pro and CitadelaWP Listing plugins for you.


Log in to your AitThemes account and download CitadelaWP theme:

Pārejiet uz Izskats > Tēmas in the main WordPress menu:

Noklikšķiniet uz Pievienot jaunu button:

Noklikšķiniet uz Upload Theme button:

Select the CitadelaWP zip file you downloaded from your account and click Instalēt tagad button:

Noklikšķiniet uz Aktivizēt button:

Noklikšķiniet uz Instalējiet CitadelaWP spraudņus button:

Noklikšķiniet uz Import Layout button:

Problēmu novēršana

CitadelaWP plugins and layouts are downloaded in a ZIP file from our server. This can be blocked by some hosting providers, causing the plugin installation or layout import to fail. There can also be other blocking limits, such as maximum file size or execution time, that can also cause the error.

Katra hostinga kļūda tiek saglabāta serverī problēmu novēršanai. Lūdzu, pārbaudiet šādu dokumentāciju Kur atrast PHP kļūdu žurnālus.

Your hosting provider will be able to assist you by enabling the missing library or removing the limit. Please do not hesitate to contact your hosting support if you encounter issues with the plugin installation or CitadelaWP Layout import. Please check the CitadelaWP hosting requirements.

PHP brīdinājumus un paziņojumus var ģenerēt ar WordPress spraudņiem uzreiz pēc instalēšanas. Lūdzu, skatiet šādu dokumentāciju par kā izslēgt PHP brīdinājumus un paziņojumus.