Mūsų best business directory and listing themes for WordPress are specific type of templates because they contain many items that are linked to a large number of corresponding information. No matter what theme you choose and whether your Items will be restaurants, events or museums, you always have to assume that there will be lots of data that needs to be processed and placed somewhere.
Furthermore, Items are usually displayed directly on the map, via icons. Sometimes may happen that there are several dozen of icons located on the smaller section of the map at the same time. When browsing websites on the desktop PC, it is always easier as the user has quite a large space available for viewing – the entire screen of the monitor. But when visiting a website via a mobile device, an important question arises:
How will the portal website that contains a lot of Items deal with the lack of space on the small screen?
A responsive design that works
Our potential customers often ask if our portal themes are responsive. Of course they are!
Already at the beginning of the development of our very first portal theme we knew that the top priority would be to correctly display the theme on different devices. The first version arose a few years ago and at that time it was an adaptive theme. But we new it was not enough. That is why today we have a new version. It was developed from scratch. The enhanced version of Directory+ Theme is built on the new Framework 2 which is fully responsive.

Also all our other portal templates are responsive and adaptable to each device.
Each responsive version is designed to make the page browsing intuitive on any device. Mobile version of the website is made compact for better user experience. E.g. Items that are located close to each other are grouped into one icon with the number indicating the number of items that are “hidden” behind it.

Restrictions in the responsive version
Although the design of the website is simplified in the responsive version of the portal theme, there are no other restrictions. There are no website elements excluded – they are just reorganized and displayed on other places to make the website more user-friendly. Additionally, since last year, all of our portal templates had gone through a significant update that speeds up the page loading. This made the browsing on mobile devices even more comfortable.
The future is in mobile devices
The fact is that users are increasingly using their smartphones and tables for browsing. The result of this trend is that 57% of traffic comes directly from mobile devices, in comparison to 43% of desktop visitors.
It is for this reason that all of our portal themes have been created to keep up with this trend and offer users full-featured content display regardless of the devices they use.
Your publication refers to the special-offer plugin
You can verify through the following claim that you make the logical failure that the system has.
Ticket: https://system.ait-themes.club/es/support/topic/109540
The URL ** / special-offer shows information like this offers page for example:
The difference is that Special Offers lists all the offers in the URL ** / special-offer and shows expired content.
in ** / special-offer what is the meaning of showing active and offers that expired in the year 1810?
That the offers are shown in ** / special-offer is completely useful for all the visitors, since in a URL they can see the available offers of all the published elements.
What does not make sense is that it shows expired offers.
For example, if you publish an offer in the following way, the expired offer will be visible in the first place than the offer currently available.
Offer 1:
Offer available from 01-05-18 to 02-05-18
Offer 2:
Offer available from 01-04-18 to 09-09-20
Your current system of ** / special-offe shows “Offer 1” as the first option, since the publication was made on 01-05-18
The “Offer 2” is below, since the publication was made on 01-04-18
The difference is that “Offer 2” remains active until 09-09-20 and “Offer 1” expired on 02-05-18
If you have a logical number of 100/200/300 published offers for a retail site like Directory, it is clearly logical that ** / special-offe does not make sense because it does not order items by expiration of offers.
The tool “special-offer of Page Builder” correctly shows only the active offers, the problem is that it shows one by one.
If you have a logical number of 100/200/300 offers published for a retail site such as Directory, visualizing this number of offers one by one is completely inoperative / not functional for the visitor.
The problem is that it does not offer a logical, practical and useful way to the visitor to see only the active offers.
Of course you can look at 500 offers using Page-Builder special-offer one by one, or enter each item / trade published and check if there is an offer available or not. But does it seem logical / practical / functional to a visitor?
thanks a lot for your feedback. Each of mentioned above issues has been considered, our development team is working on some of them that are going to be released for the market within coming days/weeks. You’ll be provided with answers from our support team via posted tickets in our system. Thanks for your patience.
Geros dienos!
I think a directory on the theme of Health.
It is intended that patients who are members will be able to search for and find accredited hospitals and doctors. Which theme do you recommend to this structure. for example, is there a health directory made with your theme? share web address?
Dar kartą sveiki,
thanks for interesting in directory products. In fact you can use any of our directory templates, it mostly depends on your demands on the design and functionality.
If you are interesting in the differences between the directories themes, please have a look at the article:
Many useful information can be found also in the following article: https://www.ait-themes.club/step-by-step-tutorial-for-directory-listings-website/
Hope it will help.
Malonūs linkėjimai!
I have downloaded one of your sites to try it, but how can I do that if I do not yet have a website to try it on? My website which I would like to change to one of your directories is up and running at the moment so I will not take it down until I am ready to make the change. Now how do I do that without having an online web site?
Hello Shayne,
thanks for interesting in our products. Please consider to create local WordPress site on your computer. You can migrate your website to your online hosting, detailed info can be found in WordPress codex.
Geriausi linkėjimai!
Hallo, ich möchte meinen Kunden die Möglichkeit geben in Direktory+ ein Öffentliches Profil zu erstellen so das jeder das Profil sehen kann.
Aber auch eines nur für Registrierte Kunden um Angebot zu veröffentlichen die nur angemeldete Kunden sehen können!
Gibt es hier die Möglichkeit der Einstellung bei einem Profil beide Einstellungen zu machen?
Gibt es überhaupt die Möglich eines Internen Profiles?
Sveiki, Thomas,
thanks for contacting us with your request. We are sorry, currently we have no theme that would offer the option t hide the content for non registered visitors.
Currently we are working on adding new features that will extend recently released multipurpose and universal Citadela theme: https://www.ait-themes.club/citadela-release-blog/.
New added features will extend the following plugins: https://www.ait-themes.club/wordpress-plugins/#citadela
In addition, regarding newly released Citadela theme and its extensions features we’d like ask you to give us a minute of your time to answer 4 simple questions: https://aitthemes.typeform.com/to/vc7arn that can help our team make better products faster.
Thanks for your time and understanding.
Geriausi linkėjimai!
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