To add a new Item custom post type navigate to Item > Add New in the main WordPress menu.
For each Item Post, like for other WordPress posts can be added main Title, Content text, Excerpt text, and Featured Image. Other additional information is divided into sections into the Item Options meta box.
Item Options metabox
General options
General information for Item post, can be added subtitle text and select with a checkbox if Item Post is marked as featured.
Address & Location options
Define address and position of Item Post, more precise position on the map can be defined by click on Google Map.
In the case of Google Maps, also StreetView can be displayed instead of the simple map – this option is not available if you have not filled the Google Maps API key in Citadela Listing admin settings, in that case, is shown free OpenStreetMap instead of Google Map.
Contact options
The general contact information like telephone, email, and web address related to Item Post. You can decide if email information will be shown, email can be hidden for customers and used only with the contact form on the Item detail page. Also instead of full web address can be displayed link text from the input Website Link Label.
Opening Hours options
For opening hours can be used any text you want, but to satisfy SEO structured data for openingHours property, we recommend using 24:00 time format (ie 08:00-15:00).
GPX Track options
For each Item, the post can be uploaded GPX file which includes the track rendered on the map. Using uploader in meta box can be file simply uploaded from the computer or directly from WordPress Media. The plugin supports most standard structures of GPX files.
For more information about GPX Tracks support visit please related documentation page.
Featured Category options
If an Item post is assigned to more categories, might be useful to use the option Featured Category. You can define using which category will be Item post presented on maps, an event it’s assigned to more categories with different colors and icons.
Do not forget to enable showing of Featured Category in settings of block which show Item posts on the map. You can enable this option in Listing Automatic Map and Listing Map blocks.
How to display information on frontend
The information mentioned above is displayed on the Item detail page using Blocks available on Special Item Detail Page. You can reorganize blocks per your needs, add new blocks and create that way wanted layout for your Item posts. More information where you can find Special Item Detail Page can be found in Listing Special Pages documentation.