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 Fuld adgang til CitadelaWP-tema og -plugins

 Startside-layouts, der er klar til brug

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Billed Annually

Adgang til CitadelaWP Tema, Pro & Liste
1 Year Update
12 Months Standard Support
1 webstedslicens


Billed Annually

Adgang til CitadelaWP Tema, Pro & Liste
1 Year Update
12 Months Standard Support
5 Website License

All Access

Billed Annually

Adgang til CitadelaWP Tema, Pro & Liste
1 Year Update
12 måneders premium-support
Ubegrænset licens til hjemmesider




Adgang til CitadelaWP Tema, Pro & Liste
1 Year Update
12 Months Standard Support
1 webstedslicens



Adgang til CitadelaWP Tema, Pro & Liste
1 Year Update
12 Months Standard Support
5 Website License

All Access


Adgang til CitadelaWP Tema, Pro & Liste
1 Year Update
12 måneders premium-support
Ubegrænset licens til hjemmesider

Alle priser på vores hjemmeside er i amerikanske dollars, eksklusive moms. Den samlede pris for alle ikke-EU-kunder er ekskl. moms. Den samlede pris for EU-kunder, der er momsregistrerede, er ekskl. moms. Den samlede pris for privatkunder fra EU vil være inklusive moms baseret på deres bopælsland. Den samlede pris beregnes automatisk på betalingssiden. Du kan forny adgangen til Premium Support for kun $39 pr. seks måneder. Supportfornyelse er ikke obligatorisk.

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Exceptional Support and Great Themes

Tak for det hele. Jeg vil købe flere temaer fra jeres virksomhed for den gode support, I yder!


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Outstanding Troubleshooting and Service

Thank you so very, very much!! Your troubleshooting is amazing, and I love this site. I’m sorry for the silly questions I’ve asked you, but you have been helpful and most excellent!!!! I highly recommend this site and your service is outstanding!!!


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Responsive Support That Listens

Once again with your theme, and again a 5 stars rating. You listen customers waits. We ask responsive, you make huge update in code. You aways rock, I always buy !


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Beautiful Theme, Easy Setup

Smukt tema. Nemt at sætte op og fungerer rigtig godt på alle platforme. Fantastisk arbejde! Kan varmt anbefales.


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The Best Theme I’ve Ever Used

I recently purchased a theme from you. I wanted to take a minute to tell you it is absolutely the best theme I have ever used. Everything I have wanted to do I have been able to do with ease. I’m so used to fighting themes. This is truly a breath of fresh air. Please keep them coming. I’m assigning you hero status for the rest of today.


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Highly Recommended for Developer Support

We get great customer reviews on our site and good developer support. Recommended!

